The dirtiest places in your communal office

restrooms sanitised

If you, like more than a quarter of the UK’s workforce, work in a communal office, it might be time for a clean. Even an office that is hoovered and tidied regularly by office workers can still be harbouring some seriously unsavory guests. In fact, some parts of a communal office can be a health risk. Here at Cleaning North West, we are Preston’s leading domestic and commercial cleaning experts. From homes to offices, we have the skills and experience to tackle any and all cleaning projects. As a result, we have produced this guide to the dirtiest places in your communal office

Toilets and kitchens

At the top of the list of the dirtiest places in your communal office, we have the toilet and the kitchen.

Let’s look at the toilets first. If you don’t hire a professional cleaner, the chances are your staff simply aim some bleach in the direction of the toilet bowl on a weekly or fortnightly basis. While this “might” be enough to keep the bad smells at bay, it certainly doesn’t make your staff toilets clean. The handle, the door, the taps and the sink all harbour bacteria, and viruses can also thrive on these surfaces. Just think of how many people work in your office, sharing the same toilets and touching the same surfaces. This is one of the main ways that germs and viruses will spread throughout your office.

In the kitchen, there are all sorts of handles and surfaces that your employees will all touch several times a day. These include the kettle handle and the fridge door, and are both places that rarely, if ever, are cleaned. If these surfaces are not kept clean, viruses will easily pass between your staff members, leading to more time off, and a stressed out workforce.

If you want to keep your workforce healthy and happy, hire a professional cleaning team. For more information or to book a professional office clean, get in touch with the professionals today, here at Cleaning North West.