Daily or weekly office cleaning?

cleaning north west

Here at Cleaning North West, we offer fully flexible commercial cleaning solutions. So we can be available, whenever you need us. This includes daily, or weekly cleaning services. So if you own a business or an office, how often should you hire a professional cleaning team? Well, it’s entirely up to you, your business and the way you operate. There are advantages to both daily office cleaning, and weekly office cleaning, depending on a range of factors. To help you decide, we have produced this guide to daily or weekly office cleaning?

Daily office cleaning

A professional office cleaning on a daily basis is a great idea for medium to large office environments. This is because the more people that work in your office, the more mess they are likely to produce. So it stands to reason that a weekly cleaning will not be enough to keep your office in top condition.

At the same time, if cleanliness is essential to your line of work, even if you only have a small team, a daily clean will be important. For example, in offices where clients and customers simply drop by, it it essential that your office is clean and spotless, every single day. As this will help you make a good impression.

Another great reason to opt for daily office cleaning is to look after your employees. Viruses travel quickly around an office environment. Mainly because they survive on surfaces and door handles, ready to be picked up by the next passer by. Daily office cleaning can eradicate these viruses every day, and help keep your employees healthy.

Weekly office cleaning

In a smaller office, with fewer office workers, it is less likely for your business to need a daily clean. This is because with less people around, there is likely to be less mess. And this means a weekly office cleaning can be a great option. With a weekly office clean, many employers choose to hire a cleaner on a Friday evening or afternoon, or a Monday morning, so that the office is gleaming and clean, ready for the week ahead. This can be very motivational for your employees, when they walk into an attractive and clean working environment.

To discuss more about daily or weekly office cleaning, get in touch with the experts today, here at Cleaning North West.