Kitchen cleaning: The focus zones

clean home in Preston

When it comes to your kitchen, you might be pretty good at wiping down your surfaces and cleaning off the hob after use. But kitchen cleaning encompasses a lot more than this, and your kitchen could be harboring some pretty serious nasties, if it isnt cleaned properly. Here at Cleaning North West, we are Preston’s leading domestic cleaning team. So we know all about the dirtiest places in the kitchen. But you might be surprised.

The sink

Tipping away various liquids and washing the germs off your hands multiple times a day makes the sink susceptible to bacteria build ups. This doesnt just include the sponge that lives by, on or in the sink, its actually the sink basin itself. In fact, any little imperfections in the surface of your sinks basin make for the perfect breeding ground for bacteria and germs. This can include big hitters like e.coli and salmonella.

As a result, when it comes to kitchen cleaning, swilling some bleach down the plug hole just isnt enough. You really need to thoroughly scrub and disinfect the entire surface of your sink basin. Oh, and throw that old sponge away!

The chopping board

This one is a little more obvious as chopping up your raw meat is bound to contaminate a surface. But even chopping vegetables can leave behind some unwanted visitors. In fact, the chopping board can harbour 200% MORE fecal bacteria than the average toilet seat. A prime suspect for causing e.coli and salmonella. So when was the last time you gave your chopping board a thorough scrub with disinfectant?

The Fridge

This final one might be a nit more surprising. The fridge could be the single dirtiest place in your kitchen. In fact, it could contain up to 750 times the safe level of bacteria! So where you keep your food, and vegetables, could in fact give you any of the food poisoning bugs!
If thats not bad enough, another study that looked at the salad drawers of 30 frost free fridges revealed that nearly 8000 bacteria colonies were forming per square centimeter!

As a result, it is imperative that you keep your fridge clean on a regular basis.

To book a professional clean, and ensure that your kitchen, as well as your home, is as clean as it should be, get in touch with the team today, here at Cleaning North West.