Top tips for office microwave hygiene

From warming up that mug of coffee you forgot about earlier, to re-heating your colleagues spicy fish curry, the office microwave takes a lot of abuse. And while some offices may have a strict code of practice for using the microwave, this is often not enforced. This results in build ups of bacteria, and fungus, inside the microwave itself, that come from spillages and food crumbs. Here at Cleaning North West, we are Preston’s leading cleaning professionals. From domestic cleaning, to retail and commercial cleaning, we can offer a range of high quality, effective cleaning services. One of our most popular services is office cleaning. As a result, we have produced this guide to the top tips for office microwave hygiene.

Top tips for office microwave hygiene

  1. Clean out the inside of the microwave every day- While a quick wipe with a cloth won’t do much to sanitize the surface, it can help remove any tiny crumbs of food, or fungus that might be building up in there. It will also help to remove a layer of grease inside, which could be contributing to a funky smell. Professional office cleaning will involve sanitizing the microwave as part of the regular cleaning schedule.
  2. Clean the outside of the microwave every day- It’s not just the inside that can become filthy. It’s the outside too! For example, people might leave their soup perched on the top of the microwave, which leaves sticky food rings, that can easily become a breeding ground for unsightly fungus. And that’s not to mention the amount of people that touch the controls and dials, as well as the microwave door on a daily basis. Just consider all the germs they could be leaving behind. So it makes sense to wipe the outside of the microwave at the end of each day. A professional cleaning team will fully sanitize your microwave, along with the rest of the kitchen, as part of their cleaning schedule.

For more information or to book, get in touch with the professionals today, here at Cleaning North West.